Paste pollsh (buffing cream)
This is a mildly abrasive cream or powder which is us-ed in conjunction with a buffer to impart a shine to the surface of the .nail. Tm oxide or pumice powder are the usual abrasive constituents of the aeam.. Paste polish does not conta in any nu tritive ·elements. The fri ction that occurs durin,g the bttffirg p:rocess draws the blood to the capillaries of the nail bed: this increase in the blood supply mar have a slight stimulating ·effect on the health and gr-owth of the nail. If coloured nail varnish is not required, or if it i a male n1ankure, then the buffing procedure would be done Last. {Often speciallruffing files, instead of paste polish and chamois leather buffers, are used to raise a h igh gloss shine.) If buffing is bceing carried out to remedy ridges, poor irculation, fragile nails and the like, it can be incorporated earlier in the manicure.
Nail varnish thinner
This is used to thin the nall varn ish if it has thickened due ,to the evaporatjon of its olvent. Some t tpe of nail varnish need to be thinned. up to 20 minutes before use, to allow the pigm.ent:s and other ii constituents to become ~ually distributed and blended throughout the varnish again. Nail varnish rmurvr!"r must never be used as a 1 thi.tmer because it contains oils and w.ater and will prevent the nail 6varnlsh from drying properly. Only a pure sot vent with no addwves such. as amy acetate or ethyl aetate, i suitable for thinning. Usually H manufacturers produce thinners to match their own varnishes: because these use the same btend of solvents, they do not i.nhibit the setting of the van1ishes.
Nail bleaches
These are used to remove stains from the surface of the nait from undenu!ath the free edge of the nail, and frotn the skin surrounding the nail. Nail bleaches usuaHy contain diluted hydrogen peroxide, or orga.nk acids such as lemon juice or citric acid, as their bleachin.g agents. Glyef?rine, a humectant, is often incorporated to coun teract the dry ing effect of the bleach. DistiUed rater or roseater is the usual dilut.ant, and tl1.e bleach. can be left ln a liquid .form or mixed with other ingredients to form a cream.