Monday, May 27, 2013

The life cycle of a spore-forming bacterium

the like; for decomposition and soil enrichment; and for the functioning of septic tanks. They form a part of many industrial processes, and they are invaluable in genetic Research.

However, there are a good many varieties of bacteria which are pathogenic (disease-causing). Such bacteria are responsible for tuberculosis, whooping cough, salmonella., pneu.moniat blood poisoningr diphtheria, meningitis, chole:rai syphilis, typhoid fever and tetanus, to nan1e just a few. Others cause sore throats, tonsillitis, scarlet fever, boils, abscesses, pustules and minor infections. Some bacteria attack the tissues directly, while others ptod:uce toxins {poisons) which inflict damag:e on the host One kind of bacteria that every nail technician will encounter at some stage in her work is the species .

A human body have natural defences against bacteria, in the form of antibodies in the bloodstream., or immunity can be medJcaiJy induced through vaccination. Certain disea'S ca11 be prevented or treated by injections of anti-toxins or of serum (the liquid part of blood) which already pontains antibodies. Antibiotics are medicines which kilt bacteria.they fon the ba.sis of modern medkaJ treabpnen.t of bacterial infections. Bacteria canl' their capacity for genetic recombination and rapid evolution, develop r'esistance to antibiotics.